

Albertson, B. (2021). East Asian Students’ Spoken Participation in American College Classrooms: Does Institutional Diversity Matter? Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 30, 1-32.

Albertson, B. (2021). TextMix: Using NLP and APIs to generate chunked sentence scramble tasks. In Zoghlami, Naouel; Brudermann, Cédric; Sarré, Cédric; Grosbois, Muriel; Bradley, Linda; Thouësny, Sylvie (Eds), CALL and professionalisation: Short papers from EUROCALL 2021 (pp. 6-11).

Albertson, B. (2020). Promoting Japanese University Students’ Participation in English Classroom Discussions: Towards a Culturally-Informed, Bottom-Up Approach. Journal of the Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 24(1).

Albertson, B. (2015). Pronunciation through Beatboxing: Raising phonemic awareness of syllable-final consonants. Human Beatbox.


• “When One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Incorporating Grammar Instruction in College Composition Courses”
MATSOL 2019 Conference, Framingham, MA (May, 2019)

“Beatboxing as a Teaching Tool to Raise Phonemic Awareness among Chinese & Vietnamese ELLs“
Spring 2017 CCSU Conference for Language Teachers, New Britain, CT (April, 2017)

• “Professional Email Composition for College- and Career-bound ESL Students”
MATSOL 2015 Conference, Framingham, MA (May, 2015)

• “Correlating Extraversion with Fluency/Accuracy and Error Uptake among ELLs”
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (March, 2015)

• “The Case for Teacher-created Video Materials in Adult ESOL Programs”
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (December, 2014)

• Workshop: “Getting more Mileage out of your Textbook”
ConnTESOL 43rd Annual Conference, Sacred Heart University (December, 2013)

• “Facebook Use and Pragmatic/Grammatical Awareness Among Japanese ELLs”
5th Annual Symposium on Digital Tech. in Language Learning, Kyoto University (March, 2012)

• “English Syllable-final Consonants Produced by Mandarin Chinese Speakers”
Spring 2011 CCSU Graduate Research Day, New Britain, CT (March, 2011)

• “Delaying the Teaching of Pinyin in an Intro-level Chinese Course”
Spring 2011 CCSU Conference for Language Teachers, New Britain, CT (March, 2011)

• “Evidence of Transfer in Mandarin-Speaking ESL Learners”
Spring 2010 CCSU Graduate Research Day, New Britain, CT (May, 2010)